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Awarded Compensation

 Awarded Compensation

 Pursuant to the Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2013, The clerk shall maintain a public record listing fees awarded by the court (1) to trustees and attorneys, accountants, appraisers, auctioneers and other professionals employed by trustees and (2) examiners. The record shall include the name and docket number of the case, the name of the individual or firm receiving the fee and the amount of the fee awarded. The record shall be maintained chronologically and shall be kept current and open to examination by the public without charge.


Awarded Compensation 2023

Awarded Compensation 2022

Awarded Compensation 2021

Awarded Compensation 2020

Awarded Compensation 2019

Awarded Compensation 2018

Awarded Compensation 2017

Awarded Compensation 2016

Awarded Compensation 2015