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NextGen Zoom Sessions

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut upgraded its CM/ECF electronic filing system to NextGen on October 12, 2021

  • Are you a CM/ECF Filer or User with our Court and having trouble linking your CM/ECF account to your PACER account?
  • Are you having trouble accessing your CM/ECF account or need more information about linking to the correct PACER account?
  • Would you like assistance with those issues or other NextGen-related issues?

If you are looking for help in those areas above, the Clerk's Office is hosting two Zoom sessions for you to join, ask your questions, and find resolution to your login issues. We can walk through the linking screens with you until you successfully link accounts or work through potential issues with docketing that you are experiencing or have experienced.

We will hold sessions on:

  • Friday, October 15, 2021 from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Friday, October 22, 2021 from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The Zoom connection information is:

Meeting ID: 160 311 6263
Passcode: 1Nextgen!

It is strongly recommened to join the Zoom session with the same computer or device you intend to use to navigate through CM/ECF and PACER.  If you run into a roadblock on a screen and you have Zoom running on that same computer, you can share your screen with our staff so we can effectively assist with the issue.